The award-winning television show “Tennessee Uncharted” is in the running for six national Telly Awards, including one People’s Telly Award, which is voted on by the public. The popular outdoor show, produced in Knoxville by media production company PopFizz, features some of Tennessee’s most unique locations, interesting residents, outstanding recreational activities and deep-rooted culture. In addition to the Telly Awards, “Tennessee Uncharted” is up for two Midsouth Regional Emmy© Awards, which will be awarded on February 27.

“We are thrilled to be included in this elite class of Telly entrants,” said Producer Taylor Walters. “Last year they received over 13,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents, so the competition is tough. It’s especially exciting because episodes from our very first season are being recognized, and our work will be judged by our industry peers.”

Most of the entries are from the first season of “Tennessee Uncharted.” The episode “Natural Resources,” featuring adventures on the Ocoee river and bear-attack training, is up for an award in the Education category and for cinematography. The “Ghost River” episode, featuring the Ghost River, Bozo’s Hot Pit B-B-Q and Ghost River Brewing Company, will be judged in the Nature/Wildlife category and for copywriting. From Season Two, the episode “Small Town, Big Beats” takes narrator Erick Baker and the crew to the Bristol Rhythm and Roots Festival and is entered in the Travel/Tourism category.

In addition to the judged awards, fans can vote for the show to win a People’s Telly Award by going to and searching for “Tennessee Uncharted.” The first rating period runs through March 4, 2016.

“It’s the people of Tennessee who make this show successful,” said Walters. “It’s a group effort from everyone involved—the crew, the fans, the guests, the TWRA folks—so being nominated for a People’s Telly is a big honor for all of us.”

“The show has always been a people-centered show,” said Executive Producer Joseph Nother of production partner Designsensory. “Its raison d'etre is to inspire people to take to the outdoors in search of an adventure. It’s great to be recognized by a panel of peers but, in this case, we’d also love to be the people’s choice!”

Season two episodes are currently airing weekly on public television stations across Tennessee and on Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency’s online streaming platform, The production crew will start shooting episodes for the third season next month.

About The Telly Awards
Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.

For media inquiries, contact Casey Self at 865-690-2249 x136 or

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