Episode 509: "Climbing Through Carolina"
Erick’s taking on new challenges in western North Carolina. First, he tests out his strength and agility on the ropes course at High Gravity Adventures. He then swings over to F.A.R.M. Café, an organization where people can volunteer to make food for those in need. After baking some delicious cookies and helping out on the serving line, Erick takes a look around the original Mast General in Valle Crucis to see why this store means so much to the surrounding community. Lucky for him, he’s able to find all the gear he needs there for his next adventure: highlining in the beautiful Linville Wilderness. With some guidance and encouragement from experts from Southeast Slackline Coalition, Erick learns no matter how many times you fall, the important thing is getting back up again. Last is a trip to Chatuge Lake for the Bassmaster Tournament. Not only does he get to watch some of the world’s best anglers weigh in, but he also learns how fishing impacts economic and conservation efforts; in 2018, the total economic impact of fishing in America came in around $125 billion dollars! From cookies to forests to fishing, giving back has never felt this good.